
The Girl

Name: Esther
Birthday: 2nd July 

-writing (poetry/ songs/ emails/ letters)
-music [all kinds except heavy metal]
-nature hikes/ camping/ being in nature
-laughing (a lot)  
-spending time with friends
-spending time in worship
-dreaming ^^  
-unexpected letters/ parcels/ phone calls/ smses/ skype conversations/ emails/ facebook messages   
-nice people who do nice things  
-the colour green  
-being all cuddled up in my comforter on a cool rainy day
-pretty things like vintage chests, pocket watches and jewelry
-musicals/concerts/ plays  
-hugs  (very much)
-cousins ^_^
-surprises (good ones, not those that induce heart attacks)
-long walks and HTHT with friends  
-full starred heavens  
-quality time and little thoughtful gifts
-family (to bits)
~Facebook Profile~

Faiths & Hopes
1. Go back to new zealand :)
2. Visit Israel- DONE in 2009 AND 2010 
3. Caravaning across the USA
4. Always remain in touch with the people I love
5. That someone I've helped out would maybe come back to me many years later and tell me that it was because of my prayers that he/ she is where they are today
6. To be happy always ^_^
7. To be a "rock", a woman of my word
8. Travel to Korea! To see the beautiful scenery there. hee. (AUG-DEC 2010) 
9. Receive deep revelations about the bible.
10. A Godly spouse (clearly indicated to both parties please!)
11. Visit Scotland and Ireland someday

Wishlist (tangibles)
1. A billion dollars (hahaha... that the Lord provides for my family and friends) 
2.  A good career, one given to me (done! thank you God!)
3. A family home- a series of lodges beside a lake in the mountains