Sunday, September 11, 2011

Character flaws

Didn't think I would blog so soon again.

But realised through this situation that I have severe character flaws that God is still working on. 

Pride- I took a position of haughtiness instead of humility when speaking and/ or writing to someone as if I knew everything and everyone. "Judge not that ye be not judged, for with the same measure that you measure out, it shall be measured back to you." I should have abased myself, at any and all costs. 

Feeling like I was entitled to my rights or pride, or woman's dignity; when in actual fact- I'm not. 

Unbridled tongue- I slandered a woman of God who had never done me any wrong out of my spitefulness and anger. And now the Holy Spirit is all  over me to call her, confess my sin and ask her for forgiveness. Oh BITE DOWN on your tongue will you, Esther? 

Wrath- anger that burned over and I did not keep a lid on it; this is what blinded me to the first two points above. Sighs. 

Fatal flaws that will not help in ministry at all. Too hot to be used for good. 

The word of God is a two-edged sword- 1 Samuel 24:12 "The Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you." 

He was right. God is our judge. 
I have no right to do that. 

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