Monday, March 22, 2010

Sessy Taimes...

"Sessy taimes" hahaha. I remembered this line from kwee when I was about to blog. I miss you kwee.

Man, I HAVE been blogging frequently. I guess there's just so much to say. 

1. 3000 word essay due this Thursday with only 3 paragraphs written and a general idea of what I want to say. O Lord, help please!
2. Readings this week for G&F: 201-240 and 1-10 of extra readings
3. LTB presentations this week and next week + rehearsals for items
4. Waiting for OCS people to clear a "dead" application so that I can apply to L'Oreal for HR!!! =) 
5. L'Oreal team presentation next Monday on Diversity (hee hee, is this a sign Lord?)
6. I/O paper on Leadership (chosen topic) due next Thursday 5pm (the extension the result of a funny in class activity which my team won)
7. POSC paper due week 14
8. LTM interviews for TA recruitment before I leave for Israel
9. HTAs gathering on 24th April before I leave for Israel
10. EXAMS!!!!!! 12-15-19
11. Soc Sci cell this Wednesday @6.30pm
12. Friday NIGHT meeting for I/O psyc @6.30 SIGHS
13. CINDY'S WEDDING Sat morning 10am the SAIL. GOODNESS LA!!!! need to sleep early the night before!
14. Submitting all cheques and bsm related stuff to gladys this thursday
15. Collect my passport this Wednesday... 
16. Waiting for job apps to go through.
17. Waiting for exchange results.
18. Israel 27th April- 6th May

pfft. Patience and long suffering, Esther. Come on! You can do it. =)

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