Sunday, December 03, 2006

Turn Around

hi all, last post for a week. Am off to church camp today (later) recap of the rest of the week is as follows: [wait! look at "stephanie sun" ! so pretty this penny..]
picked nat up from her "magnanimous driveway" and went for prata with GCM with cara, her friend and mel. darn funny. ate at the prata place opposite beauty world. dropped at cara's to do a little college search thing. Cara wants me to go Wheaton (IL) lol.
went to see mrs macs. spent 2 hours with daph in town just hanging and shopping. bought books, took a bus back and walked to my house. sat in the dining room doing stuff for nat. picked up at 6.15 by mel and iain to go to nat's house. I was navigator!!! (din do a good job-book) lol.
did stuff for lam-IF YOU'RE READING THIS...WE DID STUFF FOR YOU. OMG TAI TAI. SO MA FAN! then we BRASIL-ed. aiyo... the amount of food ah.. 12 types of meat! then went back up to cara's to borrow a dress for nat's bday dinner.
woke up, did worship song selection. went to church. rushed to nat's in a cab. lol. came late. ate lobster linguini...^_^ missed dessert. had to go off to mr loga's wake. yes, ppl. he's gone. spent an hour plus with the family. bath. blogging.
sighs. so I leave without knowing whether I've made peace with some ppl. lol. oh well. we'll see how things go when I get home the day before nat's bday. (yes the real one) erm... OHOHOH!!! Happifying news!!! watched another two cool korean movies. one is called the art of seduction. but it's weird-ish and the storyline a bit warped but highly hilarious. BUT....I liked my little bride the most so far. more than innocent steps. (although I warn you again due to scriptwriting and THAT particular actress-it seems paedophilic) LOL. erm.. tts it from me then. take care, god bless and don't miss me too much! LOL. CHUA LI-EN AND JENNIFER SULAIMAN! we need to go out when I'm back/ you all are free. SARAH WONG-you too! kk. leaving you with pix from prom. (SAM CHENG-THIS IS FOR YOU!)

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