Friday, October 20, 2006

Oceans will part

"Oceans will part, nations come, at the whisper of Your call. Hope will rise, glory shown, in my life Your will be done."
The last day of school. Last day of official lessons. I now know how Ivan felt. It's so final. We're never gonna sing the anthem, say the pledge... not for a very long while. And all we can look forward to are the exams and... grad/prom. I guess so. But the finality of it all. It's so... strange. These were the strangers I played with at orientation last year. These were my classmates that I had bio, lit, geog, gp, chinese and PE with. These were the OGLs I danced beside. The friends that I will miss oh so much. There will never be a class like ours. Anywhere, ever again. 19 of us. plus-minus a few more...
^_^ to the ones who made me smile, the ones who made me LOL, the ones who stood beside me, who comforted me when I was down, to the ones who made my every day worth living, who made school something to look forward to, who helped me out with homework, who shared your tears, fears and joy with me, who brought me out, who surprised me, who prayed alongside me, who danced with me, who taught me how to love myself, who sang with me, who stressed out with me, who shopped with me, who went to parties with me, who never failed to show me what beautiful people you truly are... I LOVE YOU. To my Year 6 2006 [single digit, no alphabet.] you rock my socks. lol. I thank you all for everything.
That was my tribute to two awesome years at ACS International. Anyway, an update about my day, the last day of school was sorta fun. I had time to shoot hoops with the netball hoop cause the BBall court was having its lines redrawn. lol. it's not easy ok. BBall into netball hoop from 2 pointer line is tough enough...7/50 ROFL. and dun even mention the 3 pointer line. but I had fun. and then I had a good chat with sugi at hagen daaz while mel had ee-ee (violin) classes. ^^ Iain was in town with his teeth. lol. anyway... then we had dessert/ food in the hawker centre.. the guys had food...sugi, bryan and iain while the girls had dessert...mel, jia yi and I. lol. but iain ate jia yi's stuff la. wasted. I love lazy days like these. :D But school is such an empty shell without all the meaningful people now. God Bless my dear ones. I really really will cherish everything you've given to me.

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