Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Final Quest

I took today as a day of fasting and prayer for my life.

I sincerely needed to experience the presence of the Lord more than ever and also to seek His plans for my future.

Earlier on in July- I had promised things to the Lord and had been promised things. But I needed to hear from Him NOW. 

It was encouraging to me that as I sought Him, He pursued me and never once let me go. 

What prompted my media fast was the placement of Rick Joyner's "THE FINAL QUEST" into my life. My aunt (mum's sister) happened to be interceding for my family and felt the Lord wanted me to read this book so she bought it and gave it to me. It was randomly hidden under a pile of other books until the pile decided to fall out of balance. LOL. When everything came crashing down, I saw the book. 

Reading it as a person who also sees dreams and visions is amazing. It brought so much correction into my heart and a reminder about abasing myself and being humble. It reminded me about the foundational truths of wanting to know the Word of God in its entirety, just sitting at His feet and worshipping the awesomeness of the Heavenly Father. 

The book brought me home to my first love. My only love and the true lover of my soul. 

This month and a half has been humbling. It has brought me back to the very basics of my walk with God. 

Faith. Hope. Love. 

Looking back at my life, it has truly been amazing that the Lord KNEW at every step of the way what I needed in my life in terms of Christian literature. 

As a child, He needed me to realise that I was called to battle and a life of adventure- so he sent me "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.
As a teenager struggling with who God was, He brought me "The Shack". 
He knew I needed to read "Captivating" to prepare me for heartbreak; to be secure in who I was in Him.
I knew why my relationship crumbled because of "Passion and Purity"
I learnt about the devil's strategies in the end times + God's plans in "The Final Quest"
And now I am learning to wield the weapon of prayer in "Does Prayer make any difference?"

And it occurred to me that all these books were not bought by me- they were GIVEN. lol. 

In every season, God knew which books would point me back to Him and His word. He knew which books would guide me home to His heart and His plans for my life. And I am grateful. 

I knew that trials and tribulations were not there for no reason, but that we had to see God in them. I am just glad that God decided to test my foundations at 23 years old when I am starting out in this life. It builds me for the future. =) I'm glad I have Him here above all. That in my relationships, family and career- He is in charge of them all. 

A couple of things that really struck me were these words- "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall." 1 Corinthians 10:12. Rick Joyner was warned in His visit to the 3rd heaven by Wisdom that "It is easy to fall from any level in this life" and that the highest rank in the Kingdom of Heaven is "humility". 

Such powerful reminders to myself to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all these things will be added unto you." spurred me to frenzied bible reading in the hospital today. I have never wanted to spend more time with ANYONE than the Lord and Saviour of my life after what I'd faced and need to overcome.

I know that the next couple of months will be tough. Things will not be any easier for a child of the Most High God just because we're redeemed. It is BECAUSE we are- that the world will despise this very fact; and I am resolute to sing His praises no matter what the situation. 

"I will enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise." 

There is no faster way to greater heights than entering from this level. =) 

God please give me the grace to pull through. Please speak to me so clearly that I can see and hear You. And Lord, heal my heart I pray. "For out of it flows the wellsprings of life."

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