Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Godliness with contentment

...is great gain. =)

I love God's little life lessons. =)

The commute home from work seems to always be the best time for God to speak to me. Today His voice brought lessons to me that reminded me of His faithfulness in my life.

A dear GIG was sharing with me her apprehension of coming home from exchange and the feelings of fear that she is experiencing as she heads home. Reverse cultural shock? New, old friends and just the feeling that you will miss someone who made your exchange experience oh so very special. Lol. Sounds familiar.

Seemed to highlight to me one of the repeating lessons about God for women- if He ain't your All in All, a part of you will still ache and miss a human being's presence (which is normal) but that highlights one thing- you need to examine your relationship with God. Cause He wasn't ENOUGH. And He should be...MORE THAN ENOUGH.

It happened to me, post- exchange. I went into a self-imposed depression. (usually is) cause I couldn't see what lesson God could possibly want me to learn. ^_^

The same lesson repeated again in the latter part of the year. Loss and lack often amplify our weakness- to be unable to do ANYTHING of ourselves in this world, except through the "true vine". I had to surrender. It wasn't my choice- but to love someone literally means to "always hope and always trust" which meant respecting and trusting his decisions were thought through for two people and not just for his own self and also hoping that he is well even though you can't be there for him anymore. (I can say though, I sure wasn't happy about it at first. Also, I cannot stop loving someone just because of circumstances. The bible tells us to lay down our lives for our brothers. And I sure as heck am going to lay down my own life- whatever plans or dreams, etc that I had of our relationship... Out of honouring his decisions.) But it isn't my place to question him or God. Lol. I just had to learn that my trust wasn't in man but that I had to place it simply in the Ancient of days and let go.

I had to learn that my contentment in being single again was nothing of any difference as to how I lived before that- I was already happily in LOVE! The Lover of my soul had already captivated me and spoken to me long before man did. And I was content. I AM content. ^_^

I was sharing with this GIG of the concept that God is really the only plug for our gaps. There is really nothing anyone can do to aid in the loss of a friend, relationship, experience or memories you hold dear. Only finding your joy (which becomes strength ^_^) in our Saviour and King of Kings.

All these are much easier to say on hindsight. Lol. I can tell you that. Most of you know I was created without the capacity to hide my emotions. Hahaha. You get what you see. Pretty much. Dreams on the other hand...lol!!!

But anyway, emotions and many times- tears, are perfectly normal GIG. It is how a human being processes the deepest hurts inflicted upon a human soul. Jesus wept. And was under so much pain and pressure that he began to bleed from His capillaries. He bled those drops and shed those tears for you and me. He knew how it felt.

I guess many christians walk through this life not understanding the concept of being pardoned ENTIRELY for any and all sins (except ONE- must put disclaimer here for all the bible scholars out there, later kena shot. Haha. The sin against the Holy Spirit is the "sin unto death". Having heard what He told you and deliberately disobeying and denying that His voice ever existed and that He is alive and at work speaking to EVERY believer today.) It was a terribly painful death that Jesus chose to die. But He did it for you and I. Cause we cannot then say that "He never understood" cause He did. Every single ounce of pain you and I feel in this world was mirrorred and felt by someone who loved us so much...He cried. And he died for us. Who do you know in your circle of loved ones who would DIE for you? (bruno mars not counted. He and his grenade catching tendencies...)

Just remember this simple thing, friends- "Nothing you can DO can make Him love you MORE. Nothing that you've DONE could make Him CLOSE the door. Because of His great love, He gave His only Son- and everything was done so YOU would come." <3

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