Sunday, June 21, 2009


okay... So since my birthday is in 1 week and 4 days' time, I'd thought I'd make it easy for people to get me what I want/need for my bday this year. LOL. SERIOUSLY. Just get me these, shared or otherwise and I'll be very very happy. =)

1. Jeans. All the olds ones are either holey or baggy. I do NOT want to look HIP- HOP yo!
2. At least a 320GB external hard drive. this is very much needed. (ESPECIALLY FOR PROGRAMS FOR VIVACE!!!!) thanks. LOL.
4. A white gold ring with the hebrew inscription "Wherever you go I will go, your people are my people and your God is my God" =)
5. Money is always welcomed. LOL. in hongbao, envelope or just plan hard cash. hee

In addition, please pray for:

1. My family; inclusive of extended
2. My church and our ministries (overseas and locally)
3. SMUPrayer
5. My friends

ok. that's it. I just had to write them down. =)